A Letter of Consideration is a
It is the result of a pre-planning study of the land, habitat, vegetation, etc.
What impact will this project have on soil, animals, vegetation, etc.? 
The amount of documentation is very large, even for a summary of the letter of consideration.
For your convenience, we have summarized the main points about the contents of the letter of consideration here.
What impacts are being evaluated?
What decisions have been made regarding the impacts and how to proceed?
We have summarized them here.
Although there are concerns about significant impacts on flora, fauna, and landscape
A plan will be developed to avoid or reduce environmental impacts by giving due consideration to "future planning."
and the specifics of the plan have not yet been determined.
Evaluation Items in the "Statement of Consideration"
Atmospheric environment (noise and vibration) / Water environment / Soil, geology and topography
Ecosystems of plants and animals / Landscape, local communities, etc.
We evaluate and judge these matters.
/Atmospheric Environment (Noise and Vibration)/

There are no residences, schools, hospitals, or welfare facilities within a 1km radius around the proposed installation site, but there are 637 residences within a 2km radius and no schools, medical facilities, or welfare facilities.
Areas deemed to be within the scope of environmental impact" as defined by the ordinance of the competent ministry of the power plant = There is no area within a 1km radius, but there is an area within a 2km radius, so avoidance and reduction of environmental impact will be implemented as necessary.
Noise surveys will be conducted on site as necessary.
When reviewing the project plan in the future, we plan to review the layout plan, etc., taking into consideration facilities that need to be considered, such as residences and villages.

/Water environment/
No concerns

/Soil, geology, and topography/

Approximately 52 significant landforms and geological features exist in the vicinity of the project site, but 50 landforms and geological features, including volcanic groups, are avoided from the vicinity of the project site. In addition, there are non-volcanic arc peaks such as Mt. Tateishi and buried valleys of the Nayarasawa tributary, and environmental impacts will be avoided or reduced as necessary.
Based on the field survey, the construction plan and route will be reviewed.
After ascertaining the impact of direct alteration, environmental changes associated with changes in the surrounding environmental conditions will also be examined.

/Ecosystems of flora and fauna/
Although some of the habitats of important species that use forests as their main habitat may be directly altered, major impacts shall be avoided or mitigated as much as possible by narrowing down the areas planned for installation and utilizing existing forest roads, etc. However, the potential for birds and bat species to use the airspace over the anticipated project area and the potential for bat and bird collisions is assessed as a potentially significant impact. Part of the project area is within the "Zao Mountain Range Special Protection Area" designated by the prefecture, and is therefore assessed as having the potential for significant impacts. In the future, the following items will be taken into consideration and environmental impacts will be avoided or reduced as necessary.
In order to reduce the impact on the habitat environment, a project plan and construction method that does not cause the inflow of turbid water due to land alteration will be considered.
In addition, the following items will be considered Analysis of the current status of animal habitats, raptor and migratory bird routes, bat flight altitude, etc. through surveys, consideration of windmill placement, environmental conservation measures, etc.
Analysis by survey of the current status of plant growth and communities, appropriate prediction of the degree of impact on important species and communities, and consideration of environmental preservation measures.
The land alteration in the surrounding area should be minimized as much as possible to avoid or reduce the significant impact of the alteration.
The project plan and construction plan that avoids/mitigates significant impacts as much as possible will be considered and realized, taking into account that many coherent parts of the natural environment such as natural vegetation and bird and animal sanctuaries will remain, and that the fragmentation of biological habitats will be avoided.

/Landscape, community, etc./
The project is evaluated as avoiding or reducing significant changes to the landscape because the extent of major landscape changes is "very unlikely to be visible" or "relatively detailed," and the impact is less than "distracting but not oppressive" or less. St. Mary's Ski Resort", the following items are taken into consideration to avoid or reduce the environmental impact, considering that "it looks rather large and has a significant impact on the landscape".
Detailed forecasts of the major viewpoints and their impact on the landscape are made using a photomontage method.
The layout, standards, etc., are planned with due consideration of the landscape.
The paint color of wind turbine generators will be considered to be in harmony with the main landscape.
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